Mizuhashi Guide Map

ギャラリー [Gallery]

水神社 [Mizujinjya]


Kimoiri (coordinator) of Mizuhashi-cho requested the Hansyu (feudal lord) for a permission to build the bridge at the end of Edo era (1603-1838) and it was approved in the first year of Meiji era (1868). The bridge construction started within the year and completed in June of 1870. The bridge length was 246m and the width was 5.2m and named Tateyama Bridge.  It had beautiful handrails with bronze Giboshi (traditional Japanese bridge ornament that resembles an upside-down onion) and 2 Umayoke, a space where horses stepped aside for superior ranked people to pass through the bridge. In order to build the bridge, 700-800 of Japanese cedar trees were brought from the government owned forest in the deep mountains by Jyouganji River and 300-400 of sacred trees were brought from the shrines in the villages on the right bank of the Jyouganji River due to shortage of material.

As sacred trees were used as the bridge material, people were afraid of god’s punishment. In order to alleviate the god’s will as well as wishing for the peace in the river, the “Mizujinjya” was built by the bridge’s leftover materials. This is the origin of “Mizuhashi Mizujinjya”. The shrine festival had been held on June 26th and 27th every year and now it is held on the 4th weekend of July. This festival is passed down to this date and called “Mizuhashi Hashi Masturui” (Mizuhashi Bridge Festival)

芭蕉の句碑 [Basyo’s Poem Monument]


A poem composed by Basyo Matsuo (the most famous poet of the Edo period in Japan) is engraved in the stone monument in the Mizuhashi Shirine, located in Mizuhashi Taishyo. This poem was believed to be composed when he traveled the shoreline of the Sea of Japan on foot.

名横綱梅ヶ谷の墓・蓮如上人旧跡 [Tomb of the Famous Yokozuna Umegatake・Rennyo’s historical monument]


The tomb of the famous Yokozuna (highest rank in sumo) and the monument of Rennyo, who was the 8th head-priest of the Hongan-ji temple, are located in the Renjyouji Temple of Mizuhashi Nakamachi.

米騒動の碑 [Monument of Rice Riots of 1918]


Rice Riots of 1918, which is a series of riots that erupted in response to the fast inflation of rice. The riots originated here in Mizuhashi and the Rice Riots Monument was built in front of the former Mizuhashi Historical Museum.

水橋港の艀場跡 [The Site of the Old Barge Port in Mizuhashi Port]


Mizuhashi port was flourishing with Kitamaebune “Northern-bound ship” trading in Edo era. The night light grows throughout the night at the historic site.

一里塚と川平儀平先生筆塚 [Ichirizuka and Fudezuka for Professor Gihei Kawahira ]


Ichirizuka is a historical Japanese distance marker, similar to a milestone. This indicates that Mizuhashi was one of the important locations of Hokuriku-dou (Northern land circuit).

There is stone monument called Fudezuka for Prof. Kawahira to honor his effort to open a private school.

天満宮と梅隠先生筆塚 [ Tenmangu* and Dr./Professor Baiin]


(*Tenmangu: Shinto Shrines which enshrines Sugawara no Michizane as the deity)

It is said that this Tenmangu was built after Hanbe Ojima found a stone monument at his house and Sugawara no Michizane appeared to him in a dream in 1680.


水橋フィッシャリーナ [Mizuhashi Fisherina ]


Mizuhashi Fisherina is a recreation facility for marine sports and fishing. It can accommodate up to 150 boats and fishing boats.

白岩川の河口 [The Mouse of the Shiwaiwa River ]


The mouse of the Shiraiwa River is an ideal fishing spot for gobies.